Women empowerment cell

Woman a unique creation of nature has been bestowed with multiple talents, unparallel energy and a distinct nature of hardwork and sincerity. All these qualities when streamlined empowers the woman and thus empowers the nation.

The institution has thus initiated a women cell to cater to the needs and problems of the lady staff and students of the institution. It conducts timely meetings, cultural programmes, competitions etc to build up a healhy relation among each other and come out of the various inhibitions developed due to the influence of society. It also assures a sense of safety that promotes them to fly high with their aspirations and achievements.


Women empowerment cell Committee

Dr.Usharani Sanu                                                  

: Chairman

 Dr. Savita Bhosle                                                          

 : Member 

Mrs. Jayashree                                                           

: Member 

Mrs. Preeti Malagi                                                     

: Member