Academic activities balance between academic learning and extracurricular activities which may help the students to raise the self-esteem and connect with scientific community in a positive manner creating a virtuous situation for all. Institute holds reverence of producing good quality of work output and doctors to society.
Institute plans, organizes yearly workshops and conferences considering the need of hour subjects which benefits students, scholars, academicians, clinicians and researchers with prior intimations.
With hands on Training workshops from CRF more than 600 researchers are benefited 2016 which includes analytical techniques, animal handling and experimentation and drug testing.
Institute keeps engaging students and professors with Multidisciplinary, General seminar, and Clinical case presentations, Medicolegal Cases, Adverse Drug reaction cases and monthly quiz programmers.
(1st Jan 2015 to 31st Dec.2020)
Seminars |
05 |
Workshops |
82 |
08 |
Guest Lectures/ Day celebrations |
77 |
Bridge Course |
05 |
Orientation Program |
05 |
Other Programs |
86 |
Total |
268 |
International Level |
07 |
National Level |
29 |
State Level |
08 |
Regional Level |
222 |
University Level |
02 |
In House Regular programs
(From Jan 2015 to Dec.2020)
Total Activities |
2167 |
Multidisciplinary lectures (25 diseases) |
203 |
Quiz programmes |
25 |
General and PG seminars |
249 |
Clinical case presentation |
239 |
Clinical Skill Lab |
769 |
Interns Seminars |
682 |
Case |
185 |
Investigation |
289 |
Formulation |
208 |
Academic Programs Organized (2011 to 2017)
Seminars | 17 |
Workshops | 72 |
CME | 20 |
Guest Lectures/ Day celebrations | 201 |
National Level Quiz | +01 |
Total | 312 |
International | 5 |
National | 17 |
    State | 19 |
    Regional | 143 |
National & International day celebrations | 128 |
Total | 312 |
In House Regular programs 2010-15
Multidisciplinary lectures (22 diseases) | 296 |
Quiz Programmes | 100 |
General and PG seminars | 524 |
Clinical case presentation | 231 |
Medico Legal Case Presentations | 161 |
ADR Presentations | 148 |
Internee Academic Activities | 265 |
Total Activities | 1725 |
Students and scholars have presented totally 265 papers and Posters on National and International podiums since 2010.
Institute has brought about manuals on SOP of Panchakarma, Kshaarkarma  and Agnikarma for pre-conference workshop on 5th World Ayurveda Conference, Bhopal 2102.
Department of Ayurveda Medical Education conducts curriculum designing and evaluation of Methods adapted for academic purposes. In this regard the Department has conducted 395 meetings.
Faculty have contributed chapters for various books and protocols to diseases etc. (communicable diseases WHO Project)