The healing power of nature has tremendous relevance in today 's fast paced world.
That is how the ancient science of Ayurveda has provided its efficiency beyond doubt.
KLE University 's Ayurveda Hospital & Medical Research Centre is a teaching hospital of KLEU's Shri BMK Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Post Graduate Studies & Research Centre. Set on sprawling11.5 acres plot in the heart of the city, the hospital offers the services of more than 30 vaidyas with post graduate and doctorate qualification in Ayurveda. The services rendered by these well experienced vaidyas confirm to the tradition of ancient science of ayurveda. It has the backup of modern science for emergency management with ultra-modern technologies.
Health care with standard operative procedures blended with classical principles is the unique feature of our hospital. KLE Ayurveda stands for Tradition-Technology-Innovation. Hi-tech hospital of state of the art facilities having bed strength of 281, KLE taken pride of establishing innovative clinics like Samvardhana (rehabilitation centre for differently abled children), Srishti fertility centre, Garbhasamskara (ayurveda ante-natal care - trimester wise yoga, music therapy & mantra therapy),Hridya (ayur cardiac care), Utsaaha (life style modification & rejuvenation centre), Priyangu (skin & hair care clinic), Nirvisha (poison & bite management center).
Swarnabindu a breakthrough and milestone in ayurveda is another initiation of KLE started in October 2007 which is now being practiced across the country. Hospital equipped with deluxe suits having attached panchakarma theaters, special rooms, semi-special wards, general wards and free wards to accommodate all category of patients. Hi-tech integrated therapy centres viz.Srestha, Chakshushya and Kankayana offerpanchakarma,netra kriyakalpaand ENTkriyakalpaprocedures respectively.
OPD Working Hours
9Am To 1Pm & 3Pm To 5Pm