Day 1

17th November 2022


Workshop 17th November

Swasthāyu kaushala

Skill stations

  1. Swasthāyu Samāhāra

Āyurveda dietetics for life style disorders

In collaboration with hotel management institute, KLE Belagavi

The participants will have the opportunity to learn about various Āyurveda dietetic planning and preparations along with their therapeutic uses. The professionals in the field of Āyurveda dietetics will provide the effective training on conventional diet planning. It will be taught how to choose from a variety of preparations and the justification for doing so.

  1. Swasthāyu Anveaṇa

Project writing and execution of Public health initiative projects

Swasthavritta, a department which is closely related to the maintenance of health of the self as well as the community which has ample opportunities in the public sector. So, a variety of challenges may arise throughout project planning, proposal submission, and project execution. So through this we are planning to provide a nutshell on how to plan and write a proposal, agencies to send the proposal as well as how to overcome the challenges while executing the project.

  1. Swasthāyu Siddhi

Community oriented practical conduction


Concerning the Swasthavritta academic curriculum, particular practical elements are recognized and standard operating procedures are designed to orient the PG and UG students in terms of knowledge attitude and practice. The subject matter experts will present the aspirants with a set of practical lessons, demonstrations, and hands-on training, and a SOP manual will be taught. Training in the form of demonstrations, practical instruction, assessment of practical conduct, and outcome evaluation will be done throughout this session.

  1. Swasthāyu Sādhana

Therapeutic Yoga

The chance to learn about the use of yoga intervention in specific non-communicable conditions will be provided to the participants. Keeping in mind the difficulties they will face when building a yoga routine. Experts in the field will provide the necessary direction and instruct the learners on how to apply recent yoga advancements like cyclic meditation, shatchakra based meditation in clinical practice.