Oral paper and poster presentation
Day 2 and 3
18th and 19th November
Friday and Saturday

Registered Participants will have an opportunity to present their clinical experience; observations, and compilations; literary reviews etc. in the form of Oral Poster/Paper presentation & the best papers and posters will be rewarded.

Last Date for Abstract Submission: 20th October 2022


Topics for paper & poster presentation

Aṣṭāṅga Āyurveda and NCDs


Āyurveda in the Management of  NCDs

Pañcakarma for NCDs

Rasāyana for NCDs

Āyurveda pathophysiology & diagnosis of NCDs

Mental health in NCDs

Single drug therapy for NCDs

Research updates and innovations in NCDs


Āyurveda dietetics


Clinical nutrition

Pathya – Apathya in NCDs

Āyurveda nutraceuticals

Food processing and its impact in NCDs

Food incompatibility and NCDs


Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for NCDs



Yoga and Naturopathy for NCDs

Non-pharmacological approach towards NCDs